Navigation Workbook 1210 Tr: For Power-driven and Sailing Vessels
Navigation Workbook 1210 Tr: For Power-driven and Sailing Vessels
Author: David Burch and Larry Brandt
ISBN 9780914025443
Paperback, 106 pages, 8.5" x 11"
Starpath Publications
This book provides over 500 exercises with answers covering all aspects of small-craft navigation. These are practical problems that all navigators should know how to solve. Topics include:
You can also work the chart problems with an electronic chart (Raster Navigation Chart, RNC) number 1210 Tr. This custom echart is available compliments of Starpath at no charge as a download from support link below. The echart can be viewed by any of several free echart viewer programs. Sources for free echart viewers and guidelines for their use are included in the Appendix. You can also use any full echart navigation program of your choice. We encourage navigators to solve the chart problems with both traditional paper plotting as well as electronically, using route tools, electronic bearing lines, and range rings.